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What is the Official Gazette?

The Official Gazette is the official publication of the Government of the British Virgin Islands. It contains a wide range of official, legal, commercial, and statutory notices, as well as official documents such as Bills, Acts, and Statutory Instruments.

Who reads the Gazette?

The Gazette is most frequently read by lawyers, bankers, and other professionals who work in the financial, insurance, or legal fields. It is also read by government officials, journalists, and members of the Legislative Council. The Gazette is also a good source of information for members of the public who are interested in governmental affairs, policy, or the law. The Virgin Islands Official Gazette is read by persons from all around the world.

How often is the Gazette published?

By law, the Gazette is published every Thursday. This weekly edition is called the Ordinary Gazette. From time to time, pressing items must be published as soon as they are received, in which case an Extraordinary edition of the Gazette is published.

Is the full text of each Gazette available online?

Yes. The full text of each Official Gazette is available in PDF format. In addition, all attachments are available on-line in PDF format only. Each edition of the Gazette is divided into two parts: Part 1 comprises Government and Statutory Notices; Part 2 comprises Liquidation and Other Notices. Any attachments are listed separately by title.

Is the entire Gazette available on-line free of charge?

For a time. Gazettes are available on-line in their entirety for 2 months after publication. After that time, they are moved to the archives section of the website where only Government and Statutory Notices and Attachments are available free of charge. For full access to the entire archives, you may purchase an enhanced electronic subscription.

How far back to the online archives go?

At the moment, our online archives go back to October 5th, 2006. We hope to build our archives over the course of 2007.

How can I obtain hard copies of the Gazette?

You may subscribe to the Gazette in print. Subscription rates are $300 per annum for BVI subscriptions, $350 per annum for Caribbean subscriptions, and $450 per annum for subscribers in any other part of the world. You may also purchase individual copies of the Gazette at the Passport Office for 50 cents per page.

How do I place a notice in the Gazette?

You may submit and pay for your notice on-line through this website. Simply register and then log in as a user, and then chose the "Place a Notice" link beneath your log-in name. You may also send the text of your notice to The Virgin Islands Official Gazette located in the Cabinet Office, RFG Place, First Floor, Government of the Virgin Islands, Road Town, Tortola VG1110, VIrgin Islands, along with the $25 notice fee per insertion. Be sure to include a telephone number where you can be reached.

How do I become a registered user?

It is easy and free to become a registered user. Simply chose the "subscribe for the gazette" link. You will be asked to provide an e-mail address, which will be used as your username. You will also have to provide your name and decide on a password. Be sure to remember your username and password for future log ins.

How do I find a particular Bill or Act that was circulated with the Gazette?

You can consult our Publication History to see a summary of Gazettes which are published on-line. It includes a list of documents which were circulated with the Gazette.